My Top Theories for the Empyrean Series

Published on 15 May 2024 at 00:00

While we may have to wait another year for the next book in the Empyrean series, we can still discuss many of the most popular theories and some of the ones that I believe may happen. Many different theories are floating around, but I have gathered three of my favourites and discussed the likelihood of these occurring, at least in my opinion. However, we never know what we will get with Rebecca Yarros; she likes to keep us on our toes, and I have yet to recover from both endings of the first two books. Major Spoilers Ahead!

Theory One: Is Violet’s dad still alive, and is he venin?

There have been many people suggesting that Violet’s dad is not dead; some people believe that he has instead turned venin and is now one of the leading commanders in their army. Now, this theory could be pretty plausible; when Violet was fighting the Venin, we could see that they always wanted to keep her alive, to a certain degree 😉. Could this be because they want to transport her to their leader? We also know that Violet has a silver streak in her hair, and she is supposedly weaker because her mother was very ill while she was pregnant with Violet. Could this be because her father was venin the whole time, and Violet is the product of venin? For me, though, what makes me not entirely believe this theory is that Violet’s dad isn’t a rider and is a scribe, so how would he get the power? However, we also know that Venin takes power from the ground. Could this mean that Violet’s dad was possibly jealous that he couldn’t be a rider and, therefore, decided to find another way to gain power? However, other people have theories that Violet’s dad was murdered because who knew too much? As we know, Violet’s dad was a scribe, meaning he had access to all the battle reports and all the confidential scrolls. Is it possible that Violet’s dad saw something he wasn’t meant to and had to pay for it with his life? We know that he had banned books, such as Violet's one about Venin, so he could understand what was happening in Navarre and see something meant to be hidden.

Theory two: Is there any significance in Sawyer losing his leg?

Coming off from book one, I was devastated when Liam died, so when I read the last few chapters of Iron Flame, I was expecting the worst. But as we all know, Rebecca Yarros is not afraid to kill her characters, so what is so vital about Sawyer that he is to be left alive? Is it possible for their friendship to develop and give us more insight into Violet’s life growing up? We know it will take a while to rehabilitate Sawyer as his leg can’t be mended, so will we get a few heartfelt conversations? I want to know why Sawyer was left alive, but Liam wasn’t. That is a question that will hopefully be answered in the next book.

Theory Three: What is Violet’s second signet?

Now, this is a hot topic for fans of the Empyrean series… Many ideas have been thrown around, but some of the most popular ones include being able to talk to the dead, being a second shadow wielder, and being intrinsic. We know this because Rebecca Yarros has said that Violet was using her second signet unknowingly in the second book. All of these could be possible, but some are more likely than others.

My top bet would be Violet being able to talk to the dead. We know that when Violet was being tortured at Basgaith, Liam appeared and helped her get through the situation. Now, this could be seen as her hallucinating from the pain of being tortured, but it could also be Violet using her second signet to try to bring her comfort and strength.

The next one would be Violet's intrinsic. We know that Violet was suffering from nightmares. However, there is a theory that these are not her dreams at all and are instead Xaden’s. It is thought that Violet is accidentally going into Xaden’s mind and experiencing the same dream. It’s like there have been moments where Violet has heard Xaden’s thoughts without him saying them out loud, as we know that Xaden has done to Violet in the past.

And finally, I think the least likely one is Violet, who is also a Shadow wielder. This one has been suggested because there are times throughout the first two books where there have been shadows around Violet and Xaden but Xaden has been confirmed as the one controlling them. However, this is the least likely for me because I cannot see Yarros having all this suspense just for Violet to be another shadow wielder; it wouldn’t make sense.


While it is fun to have all these different theories, we won't actually know any of them until the next book comes out! However, that won't stop me from having a little fun with them.

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