Reckless by Elsie Silver - Book Review

Published on 5 July 2024 at 14:00

Minor spoilers ahead!

Oh boy, what a busy month it has been for me; I feel like I have been non-stop for the past four weeks, which explains my inactivity on the book review front. This is due to both the fact that I don’t have a lot of time to write the book review and the fact that I haven’t even had much time to read these books. I recently had my sister’s wedding, which was beautiful, as well as then moved house four days later and helped look after my niece while my sister and brother-in-law were on their honeymoon, so as you can see…. Busy. However, this month, I have had a few moments here and there to read Reckless by Elsie Silver, and it has allowed me to have those moments of relaxation. This book was exactly what I needed; as usual, Elsie Silver does not disappoint.

This book is a golden retriever X Black Cat relationship between Theo and Winter. Before this book, I had no idea that it was an accidental pregnancy book; I tend to stay away from this type of trope; however, when done correctly, I immensely enjoy it, so if you aren’t a big fan of this trope then maybe the book isn’t for you. However, this is a slightly different accidental pregnancy as Theo and Winter pick their relationship back up after Vivi is born. It shows the progression between Theo and Winter and how they navigate their new co-parenting situation.

We are first introduced to Winter when she is seen leaving her doctor husband and running away to see her estranged sister Summer in Chestnut Springs; as she stops for fuel, she meets a guy 😉, I wonder who that could be, and she automatically hates him because of his attitude. As they drive along, Theo gets frustrated with Winter, who is moving very slowly in front of him and blows the horn a few times, but little do they both know they are driving to the same destination. When they get to the house, Theo and Winter get into a disagreement, which thoroughly entertains Theo and ultimately ends in a passionate night. We then skip forward multiple months to a point where Theo gets injured while bull riding and has to take time off and conveniently moves in next door to Winter.

This book was particularly well written because it also had a slight enemies-to-lovers trope. Theo has to own up to his mistakes and try to work hard to gain back Winter’s trust, which leads to an absolutely enamouring love story that will never leave you bored or wondering.


Rating 4.5/5

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